
Cheap Hotels

Have you ever stayed in a cheap hotel?

At some time or another we all have...traveling with a family has monetary limitations.
You have more than 3 children-by law-you have to get 2 rooms.
Fire Marshall says...No more than 5 to a room!

Depending on what city you stay in...the price is high or low.
Or depending on when you stay (Holiday, local event)...the price is high or low.

But WHY do you stay in a cheap motel in your
own town during the week?

Or when your spouse has the kids?

You take the risk of getting bed bugs...
or worse....An STD!



Having an affair outside of the's a given...these people do NOT honor sacred commitments. Either party in the adulterous lustful relationship does not have the future in their sights.
If they did they would recognize that....

If you don't honor the most holy commitment you make....
then you won't honor other commitments you make...
which means eventually you will start the downward spiral of...
  • Sleazy dressing...
  • Poor language...
  • turning away from God...
  • ignoring other family relationships...
  • dropping friends who are honest with you...
  • Making non-adulterous false statements   
  • (lying about other things besides just lying about the affair)
  • Sexual harassment of others
  • Lazy Parenting
  • Substance abuse
See it's like this....EVIL has limitations. It follows the same path every time. First this-then this-then this. That is why you can profile a criminal or vindictive spouse.
They have no imagination-really-because they work in the dark areas of the mind.

When things are good and right...the possibilities are endless. God endorses good and holy behaviors and even gives them enlightenment.

Not an evil unrepentant adulterer though....
  • they may think they are smart....
  • and clever...
  • and will come out ahead....
That's okay....the rest of us know...

They'll crumble....because

and makes NO COMMITMENTS!!!