
Fat Adulterer

I saw the FAT male adulterer on TV the other day.  

He's big n fat and has contributed to the demise of a marriage. 

Too fat for any adultering these days!!! 

He's so fat...looks like he's contributing to his own demise-let alone the demise of other's marriages!!!! 

Maybe he's trying to eat his way out of his guilt???

He was doing this advertisement for his company.
I'm get on my're gonna cave it in! 

Wonder if he'd want me to advertise free for him on this blog????

He's probably thinking...that will be a cold day in hell!

But that's what he does....
Cools Hell!!!
Or tries to figure out how to!

-since he's GOING THERE!!!!!



First they scam their spouse....

That leaves the whole world WIDE OPEN after that! 

Take one of the adulterers I know....

She started at home with her hubby....

Then her kids....

Then her parents...

Then her loser lawyer....and then his loser paralegal.  

Then she moved on to her loser brother.  

I saw photo's her brother sent her son...

He's like...ask your mom about the other adulterer...but don't tell her I was the one who told you to ask. 

They all start lying....

But then when you hang out with those types....

YOU become just like them! 

You walk thru stink-
You're gonna get some on you!

Best to avoid them at all costs!