

DISHONESTY (meaning) 1. the tendency to tell lies <if you gain a reputation for dishonesty, no one will believe you even when you're telling the truth>
2. the inclination or practice of misleading others through lies or trickery

Synonyms deceit, deceitfulness, falsehood, mendaciousness, mendacity, untruthfulness craft, craftiness, crookedness, cunning, dissembling, dissimulation, double-dealing, duplicity, fakery, foxiness, guile, guilefulness, insincerity, trickishness, wiliness; falseness; hypocrisy; artifice, cheating, cozenage, craft, craftiness, crookedness, crookery, cunning, cunningness, deceitfulness, deception, deceptiveness, dishonesty, dissembling, dissimulation, double-dealing, dupery, duplicity, fakery, foxiness, fraud, guile, guilefulness, wiliness lying, mendacity, prevarication; fraudulence, hanky-panky, jugglery, legerdemain, mountebankery, obliquity, skulduggery (or skullduggery), subterfuge, swindling, trickery, wile; falsehood, falsity, fib, untruth; hypocrisy, insincerity, sanctimoniousness, two-facedness; artfulness, caginess (also cageyness), deviousness, shrewdness; treacherousness, underhandedness, unscrupulousness; covertness, furtiveness, secrecy, shadiness, sneakiness, stealthiness; oiliness, shiftiness, slickness, slipperiness, slyness
So there you go....
dishonesty...and the cousins....
kinda sounds like the definition of

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