
Adulterer Files for Divorce! AGAIN!

So the Adulterer


Apparently the new husband can't provide for the ALLLL the financial WANTS of the adulterer...
so once again...
false claims of porn watching and irreconcilable differences is gonna be played out in court! 

Make up your mind woman! 
So even tho you behave scandalously in-VEGAS with all your porn star friends...

You throw another man to the curb....because you're a USER!

But you're also USED!!!!!


Adulterer Remarries!

So it's happened folks...

Adulterer has remarried! 

She found ANOTHER guy-SUCKER

He believes her when she said-

"'til death do us part"

Doesn't he know-his new
said those words before? 

Didn't mean a thing when she THOUGHT 
something better came along!

(The fat guy she adultered with-stayed married...but he still can't be trusted! He was dilly dallying in porn and work place sexual harassment-so-he hasn't learned any lessons)!

Here's the interesting part...
Adulterer wife can't leave her first hubs alone. 
She stalks him...
But she'll lie if you call her out on it! 
She watches his life! 

She scandalously lies about 
being happy and content!

She'll NEVER fill that empty place in her soul where she  knows she'll burn in hell one day for her sins AGAINST her children!

Enjoy your new 
Mr. New Husband! 

Just don't forget-she's USED!

He Promised the World!'ve been divorced for a year and then some! 

AND STILL folks! 
Still bitter because the other fornicator and adulterer stayed with his wife. Crying to friends about the other adulterer's promises!

Oh he promised you the world! 
He promised you wealth untold! 
You must have given it up to him pretty good!

Kinda funny... started out with a liar! 
You believed the liar! 
You are a liar! 
Two liars! 
Two cheaters!

With NOTHING but hurt children! Even your mom moved further away from you!
Piles of debt!

A gross new boyfriend...who's nothing like what you would have ever pictured for yourself. He just helps with the bills! YOU don't even like him....he's just like everyone else in your pathetic life...getting tired of you-ADULTERER!!!!!!



In the BEST interest of the Child!!!!

Adulterer continues to scam and amaze! 
She can't scam the ex-spouse anymore...
So adulterer tries scamming her children! 
One of her favorite lines to ex-spouse...

"It's in the BEST interest of the children!"

What is adulterer???
Your Lying????

For instance....Father of children picks up a single child on a Thursday evening for some one on one time. This child hates father because lying Adultering female parent has told child...

"Your father does not pay child support."

Father has documentation showing crying, accusing child that the children's portion of money never even comes home. He has paycheck stubs with withholdings showing proof. 
He has court receipts! 
The company that pays the check has receipts!!!!! Coincidently...that evening-
He had all that documentation...
handy dandy...
right there in the car...
that very minute...
pull over and show crying child....

The child cries....the child asks thru tears....
"When will she stop all the lies?"

In the meantime...
The once again....
parent scams the child....

Maybe because she thinks....


I'm Telling!

If I know an ADULTERER-
I'm making sure their kids know their parent is one! 
I can the parent enforce a rule with their kid when they've broken THAT rule?
When their kids are old enough....
Just like they ruined the life of a family...
Their kid is gonna know! 

Sin in private....Repent in PUBLIC!


Fat Adulterer

I saw the FAT male adulterer on TV the other day.  

He's big n fat and has contributed to the demise of a marriage. 

Too fat for any adultering these days!!! 

He's so fat...looks like he's contributing to his own demise-let alone the demise of other's marriages!!!! 

Maybe he's trying to eat his way out of his guilt???

He was doing this advertisement for his company.
I'm get on my're gonna cave it in! 

Wonder if he'd want me to advertise free for him on this blog????

He's probably thinking...that will be a cold day in hell!

But that's what he does....
Cools Hell!!!
Or tries to figure out how to!

-since he's GOING THERE!!!!!



First they scam their spouse....

That leaves the whole world WIDE OPEN after that! 

Take one of the adulterers I know....

She started at home with her hubby....

Then her kids....

Then her parents...

Then her loser lawyer....and then his loser paralegal.  

Then she moved on to her loser brother.  

I saw photo's her brother sent her son...

He's like...ask your mom about the other adulterer...but don't tell her I was the one who told you to ask. 

They all start lying....

But then when you hang out with those types....

YOU become just like them! 

You walk thru stink-
You're gonna get some on you!

Best to avoid them at all costs!


Once a Liar ALWAYS a Liar!!!!

The adulterer continues to lie! 
That's old news because we all know that! 
BUT...silly silly adulterer thinks they've outsmarted everyone! 
Only thing is....we ALL know now to not believe anything adulterer says.

The other day-Adulterer says...."I need you to pick the kids up early-I have parent teacher conferences." 

The NON-adultering parent picks children up earlier than usual for designated time so the adulterer can spend time with child's teacher.

So awesome-
The very next day....the good parent....the one who remained true to the marriage covenant goes in for their own parent teacher conference with same child's teacher. 

The teacher says.....

"SO! There was a problem with the pick up yesterday? Mom couldn't come to yesterday's conference! She said you couldn't get the kids." 

The NON lying parent says....
NO! I picked kids up early so the mother could be here!
Teacher says.....HMMMMMMMMMM!

The look on the face of the adultering parent walking in for re-scheduled conference after the father-NOT knowing he had scheduled his own conference.....


Go ahead-keep lying adulterer!
We all know not to believe your stories! 

And the numbers of non-believers in anything you say...


Moving On

Many times after a tragic event in ones life-
you hear the term...

"It's time to move on!"

Does "moving on" change the tragedy? 
Are there unforeseen consequences of that tragedy,
that end upon saying "move on"?


Time and time again
-clear back to Biblical times mind you-
society has seen the long term affects of bad choices made by stupid people that last years! Even centuries. 
It's called the ripple effect.

So if a person commits the consequences of the poor choice made many times over the space of a year end, when the divorce decree is stamped by the judge????

Are the children fine?
Is the other family of the other adulterer fine? 
Was everything fixed as soon as the divorce was final?
From that day forward....did everything 
"Move on"???????


If you don't want the long term affects of poor behavior following you around like a colostomy bag....don't participate in the poor behavior from the very beginning!

Because...just by saying.....


doesn't mean every things fixed! 

There is residue from your poor choice that maybe....
is moving downstream...stuck in a whirlpool 
(to rear it's ugly head years from now)....
though YOU want it to "move on"....
it can't!

It's one of those uncontrollable consequences
that went with your poor choice.



You Wanted Him to Leave! He Did! Now LEAVE HIM Alone!

Kinda funny...people who do all the sinning....can't leave the one who moves on alone! 

(Here's a re-cap)

So the adulterer has the lustful affair with the husband of her married best friend. When the co-partner...or adultering partner get found out-the two innocent spouses become the bad guys!


"The marriage was over?" 
Did the innocent spouses know?
Apparently one of the marriages wasn't-
because the enabling spouse of one of the adulterers is letting the adulterer off-

In the meantime...
the other innocent spouse moves on. 
Get's the divorce....although that was filled with more lies! 

And is progressing in deserved happiness. 

The EX-spouse of the newly married ex spouse...won't let go. Still causing trouble. Lying to kids. Enabling kids. Won't allow religious rites for some of the children...because "the marriage was over"

The marriage IS over. 

I just read the book The Help.  Several lines in the book stood out for this blog and the adulterers...

"Adulterer's Name-You a Godless woman! Ain't you tired, Adulterer's Name? Ain't you tired?"

and here's another one....

"Now, you get your raggedy ass off my porch. Go on. Get off my property! Now! Before we all get one of those disgusting things on our lips!" Isn't a cold sore a form of herpes?

You wanted him to leave....


Blame! Where to Place It?'s an easy out! 

If you blame someone for YOUR actions, then they're the bad guy-not you!


Parents....they have responsibilities to their children. 
What if your child behaves like you....and all along you have been blaming someone else for your bad behavior? Do you hold your child responsible for their bad behavior....
I mean after all-they learned it from you! It's a slippery slope! 

Bad behavior IS bad behavior! 
No excuses!

I didn't feel good I slept with my best friends husband!
I didn't feel good today so I lied to everyone I know!
I didn't feel good today so I neglected my parental duties!
I didn't feel good today so I rationalized my integrity away!
I didn't feel good today so I lied to a police officer!
I didn't feel good today so I ......

It doesn't really matter if you felt good or not! 




It's the right thing to do....coming clean. 

It's not easy-

But it's right!

So where does the blame go....

On the person who did something wrong!

Not a new concept-
but perhaps a forgotten one by some!



DISHONESTY (meaning) 1. the tendency to tell lies <if you gain a reputation for dishonesty, no one will believe you even when you're telling the truth>
2. the inclination or practice of misleading others through lies or trickery

Synonyms deceit, deceitfulness, falsehood, mendaciousness, mendacity, untruthfulness craft, craftiness, crookedness, cunning, dissembling, dissimulation, double-dealing, duplicity, fakery, foxiness, guile, guilefulness, insincerity, trickishness, wiliness; falseness; hypocrisy; artifice, cheating, cozenage, craft, craftiness, crookedness, crookery, cunning, cunningness, deceitfulness, deception, deceptiveness, dishonesty, dissembling, dissimulation, double-dealing, dupery, duplicity, fakery, foxiness, fraud, guile, guilefulness, wiliness lying, mendacity, prevarication; fraudulence, hanky-panky, jugglery, legerdemain, mountebankery, obliquity, skulduggery (or skullduggery), subterfuge, swindling, trickery, wile; falsehood, falsity, fib, untruth; hypocrisy, insincerity, sanctimoniousness, two-facedness; artfulness, caginess (also cageyness), deviousness, shrewdness; treacherousness, underhandedness, unscrupulousness; covertness, furtiveness, secrecy, shadiness, sneakiness, stealthiness; oiliness, shiftiness, slickness, slipperiness, slyness
So there you go....
dishonesty...and the cousins....
kinda sounds like the definition of


Parental Alienation Syndrome

Oft times in an ADULTEROUS situation-
the guilty adultering parent drums up support from the children by alienating them from the other parent-the MORAL parent. They do this by manipulating situations or giving information to their children that create false scenarios in the child's head...but don't let me tell you about this...this is documented from another awesome website I found this...

What Causes Parental Alienation?

What causes a parent to want to damage the relationship of their own child with the other parent at their own child's expense? Intentions differ from one parent to the next, but psychologists have suggested the following as potential motivators:
  • An alienating parent may have unresolved anger toward the other parent for perceived wrongs during the relationship and may be unable to separate those issues from parenting issues.
  • An alienating parent may have unresolved issues from their childhood, particularly in how they related to their own parents, which he or she projects onto the other parent (whether or not it's factually accurate).
  • An alienating parent may have a personality disorder, such as narcissism or paranoia, which makes him or her unable to empathize with the child's feelings or see the way their behavior is harming the child. Such personality disorders may also make the alienating parent more likely to be jealous of the other parent's adjustment to the breakup and cause the alienating parent to have extreme rage toward the other parent.
  • An alienating parent may be so insecure as to his or her own parenting skills that he or she projects those concerns onto the other parent, regardless of reality.
  • An alienating parent may be so wrapped up in their child's life that he or she has no separate identity and sees the child's relationship with the other parent as a threat.
  • Sometimes new spouses or grandparents push the alienating parent into inappropriate behavior for their own inappropriate reasons, and the alienating parent isn't strong enough to resist them.
What causes a child to buy into the alienating parent's brainwashing?

The child may:
  • Feel the need to protect a parent who's depressed, panicky or needy
  • Want to avoid the anger or rejection of a dominant parent, who's also often the custodial parent
  • Want to hold onto the parent the child is most afraid of losing, such as a parent who is self-absorbed or not very involved with the child.

How Does Alienation Occur?

The alienating parent may use a number of techniques, including but not limited to:
  • Encouraging the child to pretend the other parent doesn't exist. This can range from not allowing the child to mention the other parent's name to refusing to acknowledge that the child has fun with the other parent.
  • Leading the child to believe it's his or her choice as to whether or not to spend time with the other parent.
  • Attacking the other parent's character or lifestyle, such as job, living arrangements, planned activities with the child, clothing and friends (particularly new romantic partners).
  • Putting the child in the middle, by encouraging the child to spy on the other parent or take messages back and forth.
  • Emphasizing the other parent's flaws, such as an occasional burst of temper or not being prepared for the child's activities. Normal parental lapses are blown out of proportion and the child is repeatedly reminded of them.
  • Discussing court battles between the parents with the child and encouraging the child to take sides.
  • Making the child think there's reason to be afraid of the other parent.
  • Lying about how the other parent treats the child. If this is done frequently enough, the child may begin to believe even preposterous suggestions.
  • Rewriting history, such as suggesting to the child that the other parent never cared for him or her, even as an infant. The child has no memory of prior events and so can't determine whether the alienating parent is telling the truth or not.

What Does An Alienated Child Look Like? A child who's been successfully alienated:

  • Will bad-mouth the other parent with foul language and inaccurate descriptions of the other parent.
  • Offer only weak or frivolous reasons for his or her anger toward the targeted parent.
  • Professes to have only hatred toward the targeted parent, and can't say anything positive about them.
  • Insists that he or she is solely responsible for the attitude toward the other parent, and that the alienating parent had nothing to do with his or her attitude.
  • Supports and feels protective toward the alienating parent.
  • Doesn't show any empathy or guilt regarding hurting the targeted parent's feelings.
  • Doesn't want anything to do with the targeted parent's friends and family.
  • May not want to see or talk to the alienated parent.'s a BRAINWASHING technique used by the parent with the major balance of custodial time. The child has NO IDEA they are being used and manipulated for the benefit of the


Mirrored Circumstances not exactly the same...because the man in this video could get on anyone's nerves....but you can tell he truly does/did love his wife....but his wife is an ADULTERER. Go to 2 1/2 minutes into the video and watch from there until the end.  (you have to watch the commercial before it gets to the news clip)
(Copy paste this into your web address)
The husband says...
"He didn't know."
"No one knows who she is right now."
"This man was our friend." (speaking of the adultering partner to his wife)
"I feel so betrayed." (Because this Adultering man was a family friend)

Adulterers ALWAYS suddenly become CRAZY!
They lie for a long time and then they lose their minds and become someone else!

Just like stated in a previous post....
there are limits to what can be done in darkness (sin)...
so most adulterous affairs are really.....
the same...
only the names have changed!

Being an Enabler

Do I love the Adulterer so much that I allow the adulterous behavior because I love them? Enabling behavior is born out of our instinct for love. It's only natural to want to help someone we love, but when it comes to certain problems -- helping is like throwing a match on a pool of gas.

Definition of Enabling....In the true sense of the word, to enable is to supply with the means, knowledge, or opportunity to be or do something -- to make feasible or possible.

In it's true form, Enabling behavior means something positive. It's our natural instinct to reach out and help someone we love when they are down or having problems.
when we apply it to certain problems in living - Sexual addiction, chronic troubles, codependency, certain forms of chronic depression -- enabling behaviors have the reverse effect
of what is intended.

Here are some examples...
  • Repeatedly bailing them out - of jail, adulterous affairs, other "tight spots" they get themselves into
  • Giving them "one more chance"...then another...and another
  • Ignoring the problem - because they get defensive when you bring it up or you hope that it will magically go away
  • Joining them in the behavior when you know they have a problem with it - Drinking, gambling, porn,etc.,
  • Joining them in blaming others - for their own feelings, problems, and misfortunes
  • Accepting their justifications, excuses and rationalizations - "I'm destroying myself with sexual addiction because I'm depressed".
  • Avoiding problems - keeping the peace, believing a lack of conflict will help
  • Doing for them what they should be able to do for themselves -
  • Softening or removing the natural consequences of the problem behavior
  • Trying to "fix" them or their problem
As enabling behaviors become routine, supporters end up feeling frustrated, ineffectual, and angry. Often, they continue to enable because they don't want to appear mean or unreasonable. Enabling behaviors directly and indirectly support the vicious cycle of the never-ending problems and pain of addiction. When supporters stop enabling, when they stop helping and covering up for the addict, they allow the addict to experience the consequences of their out-of-control behavior. 
They no longer wake them up. 
 Make excuses for their mistress.
Bail them out of jail. 
They stop shielding them from the
consequences of their behaviors.

So the question to ask here is...
Am I enabling an ADULTERER
by defending them....


Ripple Affect AND Effect

An affair affects the whole family and the effect

See two people secretly make choices they think they can hide and keep secret. Right there adulterers, is the clue that what they're doing is WRONG! BUT-they don't CARE! You pick up a stick at one end...the other end moves whether you meant for it to or not. So now they've committed adultery....
...and think they can control the consequences.

HELL-they couldn't control themselves-
NOW they want to control everything else!
Their families are left with the cleanup!
The devastation!
The sadness!
The embarrassment!
Spouses try to hide from family friends!
Seeing someone in the grocery store and KNOWING they KNOW!

The public humiliation for them and their families should have been thought about LONG before they even entertained the thought of sharing a kiss...let alone the actual action of ADULTERY!

Cause and effect...bummer-they go hand in hand!

So as NOT to plagerize an AMAZING article about the decisions we make...go read this for yourself.

Better yet...
find an adulterer you know and have them read it!!!!

Copy paste this link and have a good read!

It's time for the adulterers to start
handling some of the clean-up!
Or at least OWNING it!


Cheap Hotels

Have you ever stayed in a cheap hotel?

At some time or another we all have...traveling with a family has monetary limitations.
You have more than 3 children-by law-you have to get 2 rooms.
Fire Marshall says...No more than 5 to a room!

Depending on what city you stay in...the price is high or low.
Or depending on when you stay (Holiday, local event)...the price is high or low.

But WHY do you stay in a cheap motel in your
own town during the week?

Or when your spouse has the kids?

You take the risk of getting bed bugs...
or worse....An STD!



Having an affair outside of the's a given...these people do NOT honor sacred commitments. Either party in the adulterous lustful relationship does not have the future in their sights.
If they did they would recognize that....

If you don't honor the most holy commitment you make....
then you won't honor other commitments you make...
which means eventually you will start the downward spiral of...
  • Sleazy dressing...
  • Poor language...
  • turning away from God...
  • ignoring other family relationships...
  • dropping friends who are honest with you...
  • Making non-adulterous false statements   
  • (lying about other things besides just lying about the affair)
  • Sexual harassment of others
  • Lazy Parenting
  • Substance abuse
See it's like this....EVIL has limitations. It follows the same path every time. First this-then this-then this. That is why you can profile a criminal or vindictive spouse.
They have no imagination-really-because they work in the dark areas of the mind.

When things are good and right...the possibilities are endless. God endorses good and holy behaviors and even gives them enlightenment.

Not an evil unrepentant adulterer though....
  • they may think they are smart....
  • and clever...
  • and will come out ahead....
That's okay....the rest of us know...

They'll crumble....because

and makes NO COMMITMENTS!!!


Putting on Appearances

You go out with friends-you put on your "Out with Friends" face.
You go to work-you put on your "Going to Work" face.
You spend time with family-you put on your "Be with Family" face.

But SIN has a face of it's own!
And it has puts it's face ALL OVER YOU!
It AGES you!
Have you looked in the mirror lately?

Makes your EYES dark!
Changes your DEMEANOR!
You get SHIFTY!
You are quick to ANGER!
Kicks your CONFIDENCE!
Shows your FROWN lines!
Makes you look like your weathered GRANDPARENT!
Hardens the SOFTNESS in your voice!
Zaps your ENERGY!
FEEDS off your lowering self esteem!

Your whole SINFUL face shows your....

NO make-over can cover that up!


Or in other words-



Parenting While Adultering

The adultering parent has a mixed up idea of right and wrong. These are the obvious messages the children get by observing the behavior of the adulterer…..

  • It’s alright if I screw my spouses’ GOOD friend
  • It is NOT alright for your other parent to parent you-even though they are your parent.
  • I will not parent you right now-so I will NOT allow your other parent to either.
  • Anything you do is okay with me as long as it is NOT okay with your other parent.
  • I will NOT take you to church-but you MUST go to church at your local church when it’s your other parents’ weekend. Therefore your other parent must bring you home EARLY-so you can miss church!?!?
  • I can work LONG hours and skip fixing a meal-your other parent must abide by all the rules.
  • I will demand court ordered protections then cry to the children about their stubborn other parent for NOT stepping over boundaries set in place by me.
  • Even though your other parent provided these items for YOU-they are now MINE to help in my divorce manipulations.
  • When things get hard the best thing to do is find someone with MORE money.
  • It’s always good to appear as the victim-even though that is NOT taking personal responsibility.
  • It’s okay to lie-if you get caught-lie some more!
  • It’s not my fault I’m like this-so is my parent-and grandparent….
  • It’s okay to quit-I did.
  • Your other parent is bad-I AM good.
  • Listen to my voice-not my actions.
  • If there are problems-BLAME your other parent!
  • If I make a big enough deal out of every issue-the children will not SEE the evil I do.

Oh what tangled webs we weave...
...when first we practice to deceive.