
Parenting While Adultering

The adultering parent has a mixed up idea of right and wrong. These are the obvious messages the children get by observing the behavior of the adulterer…..

  • It’s alright if I screw my spouses’ GOOD friend
  • It is NOT alright for your other parent to parent you-even though they are your parent.
  • I will not parent you right now-so I will NOT allow your other parent to either.
  • Anything you do is okay with me as long as it is NOT okay with your other parent.
  • I will NOT take you to church-but you MUST go to church at your local church when it’s your other parents’ weekend. Therefore your other parent must bring you home EARLY-so you can miss church!?!?
  • I can work LONG hours and skip fixing a meal-your other parent must abide by all the rules.
  • I will demand court ordered protections then cry to the children about their stubborn other parent for NOT stepping over boundaries set in place by me.
  • Even though your other parent provided these items for YOU-they are now MINE to help in my divorce manipulations.
  • When things get hard the best thing to do is find someone with MORE money.
  • It’s always good to appear as the victim-even though that is NOT taking personal responsibility.
  • It’s okay to lie-if you get caught-lie some more!
  • It’s not my fault I’m like this-so is my parent-and grandparent….
  • It’s okay to quit-I did.
  • Your other parent is bad-I AM good.
  • Listen to my voice-not my actions.
  • If there are problems-BLAME your other parent!
  • If I make a big enough deal out of every issue-the children will not SEE the evil I do.

Oh what tangled webs we weave...
...when first we practice to deceive.

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