

Some celebrations require fireworks!

New's Year's Eve!
Independence Day!
Winning championship games!
High School Football games!
Olympic Ceremonies!

Now-a-days you can buy fireworks on the vacant corner lot or at your local grocery store. You can spend all kinds of money for many different named visual delights. But no matter how much you spend buying those fireworks-NONE of them compare to the professionally designed art show in the sky by the experts. Those cheap corner lot ones satisfy for a minute-but you can't compare them to the real thing.

What does this have to do with anything?

Well-those cheap replica's are like committing adultery.
No matter how hard you try
to make that relationship
and lovely
and worthy of good memories.
 It won't happen.
Well because you have to sneak around....kind of like letting off fireworks on non-legal days and hoping the cops don't knock at your door and ask if those were yours. Or because you can't share the memory with all your family and friends. Or because deep down inside you KNEW it was wrong and so you feel dirty...and who wants to share THAT kind of memory?

Or because REALLY... on the sly isn't pretty!

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