
Self Loathing

We all feel frustration with ourselves...
...oh man why didn't I....
....why did I....

You know-it's called regret.

You get on the scales after a vacation and you gained 5 or 10 pounds
and you're so mad at yourself for not being more disciplined. You
spent ALL that time before the trip to exercise and eat right and then
you finally look good in vacation attire.

You get your credit card bill at the end of the month and you
are shocked at what you spent on frivolous stuff.

You cave in and say "yes" to the kids,
when you really should have said "no".

You know-like I said-REGRET!

When others commit adultery to they get mad at themselves?

Do they have regrets?

Do they think..."Man-I spent fifteen minutes in the back of my car and now I feel so CHEAP!" Or do they think..."Man-I spent fifteen minutes in the back of my car and now I feel like a million bucks?" Maybe the first time they feel like a million bucks...but the third or fourth or tenth time? After a while do they start to feel dirty? It would seem like 10 showers couldn't wash all that cheapness or regret off. Here one of them gets to go home, cuddle up to their spouse while the other of them gets to go home and start dividing property because they hoped the other meant what they said about dumping their spouse too. 

(it's kind of ironic that while adultering they make promises
to each other that they don't keep
-it's a given here folks-
they're already breaking promises with others
when they're scandalously together!!!)

Funny thing though-the other adulterer didn't follow thru. So does adulterer A panic and start pressuring adulterer B or does adulterer A put more meanness into the "kicked to the Curb, card carrying lifetime member, 'til death do us part, spouse?" Adulterer A can't really put any pressure on adulterer B because adulterer B still has an intact marriage and if adulterer A puts pressure on adulterer B then all that one has to do is call it quits....kind of...we'll see!

But in the meantime....

is there self loathing

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