
Putting on Appearances

You go out with friends-you put on your "Out with Friends" face.
You go to work-you put on your "Going to Work" face.
You spend time with family-you put on your "Be with Family" face.

But SIN has a face of it's own!
And it has puts it's face ALL OVER YOU!
It AGES you!
Have you looked in the mirror lately?

Makes your EYES dark!
Changes your DEMEANOR!
You get SHIFTY!
You are quick to ANGER!
Kicks your CONFIDENCE!
Shows your FROWN lines!
Makes you look like your weathered GRANDPARENT!
Hardens the SOFTNESS in your voice!
Zaps your ENERGY!
FEEDS off your lowering self esteem!

Your whole SINFUL face shows your....

NO make-over can cover that up!


Or in other words-



Parenting While Adultering

The adultering parent has a mixed up idea of right and wrong. These are the obvious messages the children get by observing the behavior of the adulterer…..

  • It’s alright if I screw my spouses’ GOOD friend
  • It is NOT alright for your other parent to parent you-even though they are your parent.
  • I will not parent you right now-so I will NOT allow your other parent to either.
  • Anything you do is okay with me as long as it is NOT okay with your other parent.
  • I will NOT take you to church-but you MUST go to church at your local church when it’s your other parents’ weekend. Therefore your other parent must bring you home EARLY-so you can miss church!?!?
  • I can work LONG hours and skip fixing a meal-your other parent must abide by all the rules.
  • I will demand court ordered protections then cry to the children about their stubborn other parent for NOT stepping over boundaries set in place by me.
  • Even though your other parent provided these items for YOU-they are now MINE to help in my divorce manipulations.
  • When things get hard the best thing to do is find someone with MORE money.
  • It’s always good to appear as the victim-even though that is NOT taking personal responsibility.
  • It’s okay to lie-if you get caught-lie some more!
  • It’s not my fault I’m like this-so is my parent-and grandparent….
  • It’s okay to quit-I did.
  • Your other parent is bad-I AM good.
  • Listen to my voice-not my actions.
  • If there are problems-BLAME your other parent!
  • If I make a big enough deal out of every issue-the children will not SEE the evil I do.

Oh what tangled webs we weave...
...when first we practice to deceive.


Good Thing Adulterers are Adultering in this Day and Age!

In a Google search on Adultery...this was many different scriptural references from different religious
interpretations of Leviticus 20: 10.

Maybe-just maybe-when the adulterer said
"They prayed about ending
the marriage with their spouse"
They were praying to some IDOL GOD when given the answer to divorce-because in my scriptures...and everyone else's...God ain't with you if you're ADULTERING!!!
  • New International Version (©1984)    "'If a man commits adultery with another man's wife--with the wife of his neighbor--both the adulterer and the adulteress must be put to death.
  • New Living Translation (©2007)"If a man commits adultery with his neighbor's wife, both the man and the woman who have committed adultery must be put to death.
  • English Standard Version (©2001)“If a man commits adultery with the wife of his neighbor, both the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death.
  • New American Standard Bible (©1995)If there is a man who commits adultery with another man's wife, one who commits adultery with his friend's wife, the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death.
  • GOD'S WORD® Translation (©1995)"If a man commits adultery with another man's wife or with his neighbor's wife, both he and the woman must be put to death for their adultery.
  • King James BibleAnd the man that committeth adultery with another man's wife, even he that committeth adultery with his neighbour's wife, the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death.
  • American King James VersionAnd the man that commits adultery with another man's wife, even he that commits adultery with his neighbor's wife, the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death.
  • American Standard VersionAnd the man that committeth adultery with another man's wife, even he that committeth adultery with his neighbor's wife, the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death.
  • Bible in Basic EnglishAnd if a man has sex relations with another man's wife, even the wife of his neighbour, he and she are certainly to be put to death.
  • Douay-Rheims BibleIf any man commit adultery with the wife of another, and defile his neighbour's wife, let then: be put to death, both the adulterer and the adulteress.
  • Darby Bible TranslationAnd a man that committeth adultery with a man's wife, who committeth adultery with his neighbour's wife, the adulterer and the adulteress shall certainly be put to death.
  • English Revised VersionAnd the man that committeth adultery with another man's wife, even he that committeth adultery with his neighbour's wife, the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death.
  • Webster's Bible TranslationAnd the man that committeth adultery with another man's wife, even he that committeth adultery with his neighbor's wife, the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death.
  • World English Bible"'The man who commits adultery with another man's wife, even he who commits adultery with his neighbor's wife, the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death.
  • Young's Literal Translation'And a man who committeth adultery with a man's wife -- who committeth adultery with the wife of his neighbour -- the adulterer and the adulteress are surely put to death.
  • Clarke's Commentary on the Bible       Committeth adultery - To what has been said in the note on See Exodus 20:14 (note), we may add, that the word adultery comes from the Latin adulterium, which is compounded of ad, to or with, and alter, another, or, according to Minshieu, of ad alterius forum, he that approaches to another man's bed.
  • Gill's Exposition of the Entire Bible        And the man that committeth adultery with another man's wife,.... Which is a breach of the seventh command, Exodus 20:14even he that committeth adultery with his neighbour's wife: which is only an explanation of the former clause; though the Jewish writers, as Jarchi and Ben Gersom, say this is so expressed to except the wife of a stranger, or a Gentile; but it means whether a Gentile or an Israelite; and which may be confirmed by the instance of Phinehas slaying a prince of Israel, that lay with a Midianitish woman, Numbers 25:6the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death; on account of her that is espoused, by strangling, with a hard napkin within a soft one; and on account of her that is married, by casting stones; even both the adulterer and adulteress, as the Targum: and the Jews say (b), strangling was thus performed; they that were strangled were fixed up to their knees in dung, and then they put a hard napkin within a soft one, and rolled it about his neck, and one drew it to him this way, and another drew it to him that way, until he expired: and there is no unlawful copulation punished with strangling, according to Maimonides (c), but lying with another man's wife; and who observes, that the death which is spoken of in the law absolutely, that is, without specifying any kind of death, is strangling; but stoning seems rather meant, agreeably to Deuteronomy 22:24(b) Misn. Sanhedrin, c. 7. sect. 3.((c) Hilchot lssure Biah, c. 1. sect. 6.
  • Geneva Study Bible   And the man that committeth adultery with another man's wife, even he that committeth adultery with his neighbor's wife, the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death.
  • Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary    20:10-27 These verses repeat what had been said before, but it was needful there should be line upon line. What praises we owe to God that he has taught the evil of sin, and the sure way of deliverance from it! May we have grace to adorn the doctrine of God our Saviour in all things; may we have no fellowship with unfruitful works of darkness, but reprove them.
Just be thankful if you're ADULTERING
you're doing so in the U.S. of A. and NOT
 some Taliban run society!


False Sense of Security

The adulterers trash their spouses for each other
But can they really trust each other?

The very foundation of the adultering relationship is built on a lie!

Two liars adultering to form a relationship, now there's an awesome thing to have in common...NOT!

All things that were once...

Have now been traded for...

When they're together and talk about their relationship being so right...why is it all done in secret?

All things good and right are things you can be proud of and share.

Anything to be ashamed of is kept hidden and done in secret combinations.

Um, just a reminder...



Thank You!

To the adulterers out there-Thank you!
No matter what the rest of us do…
at least we didn’t do THAT!
See-you might think you maligned us.
You might think you hurt us by all those lies about us…
but really…
the only thing anyone will remember about all of this is


YOU chose poorly.

Those lies about the other member of your marriage

The charges filed against the other member of your marriage

The “stuff” awarded in the divorce settlement

The hurt children

The guilt

The scarlet letter

So since YOU committed adultery….

It is quite possible…

That's the only thing
 anyone WILL remember!


Current Events

Brock has requested and received court permission to file an amended pleading based on what the court papers describe as "marital waste," referring to tens of thousands of dollars Susan Brock spent on the Chandler victim. "As part of that illicit relationship, (Susan Brock) spent enormous amounts of community property funds on expensive gifts for the minor male," Fulton Brock's attorney, Kristy Blackwell, wrote. "The total amounts wasted are unknown to date. (Fulton) continues to discover new debts, credit cards, secret lines of credit and missing funds."

(Speaking about Casey Anthony) "Responses to grief are as varied as the day is long, but responses to guilt are oh, so predictable," Drane Burdick said. "What do guilty people do? They lie. They avoid. They run. They mislead, not just to their family, but the police. They divert attention away from themselves and they act like nothing is wrong.   Read more:
(Speaking about Arnold Schwarzenegger) Sharon Osborne tells Nancy O’Dell she was "disappointed with him for being so horribly disrespectful and deceitful." She continues, "he can do whatever he wants in hotels on the road whatever knock yourself out but you don't disrespect your family by doing it in your own home to me it's unthinkable." Read more:
Jose Antonio Vargas, a former Washington Post reporter, has come out of the closet and announced to the world that he is an illegal alien. In his tell-all confession, published in the New York Times Magazine, he outs not only himself, but others who abetted his illegal presence and employment in the United States, including The Post itself, which continued to employ him even after a member of the paper’s management learned that he had lied about his citizenship. Read more:

Adulterers and current events have the same ring tone......

Blame it on your

.... by Patty Loveless



Some celebrations require fireworks!

New's Year's Eve!
Independence Day!
Winning championship games!
High School Football games!
Olympic Ceremonies!

Now-a-days you can buy fireworks on the vacant corner lot or at your local grocery store. You can spend all kinds of money for many different named visual delights. But no matter how much you spend buying those fireworks-NONE of them compare to the professionally designed art show in the sky by the experts. Those cheap corner lot ones satisfy for a minute-but you can't compare them to the real thing.

What does this have to do with anything?

Well-those cheap replica's are like committing adultery.
No matter how hard you try
to make that relationship
and lovely
and worthy of good memories.
 It won't happen.
Well because you have to sneak around....kind of like letting off fireworks on non-legal days and hoping the cops don't knock at your door and ask if those were yours. Or because you can't share the memory with all your family and friends. Or because deep down inside you KNEW it was wrong and so you feel dirty...and who wants to share THAT kind of memory?

Or because REALLY... on the sly isn't pretty!


Self Loathing

We all feel frustration with ourselves...
...oh man why didn't I....
....why did I....

You know-it's called regret.

You get on the scales after a vacation and you gained 5 or 10 pounds
and you're so mad at yourself for not being more disciplined. You
spent ALL that time before the trip to exercise and eat right and then
you finally look good in vacation attire.

You get your credit card bill at the end of the month and you
are shocked at what you spent on frivolous stuff.

You cave in and say "yes" to the kids,
when you really should have said "no".

You know-like I said-REGRET!

When others commit adultery to they get mad at themselves?

Do they have regrets?

Do they think..."Man-I spent fifteen minutes in the back of my car and now I feel so CHEAP!" Or do they think..."Man-I spent fifteen minutes in the back of my car and now I feel like a million bucks?" Maybe the first time they feel like a million bucks...but the third or fourth or tenth time? After a while do they start to feel dirty? It would seem like 10 showers couldn't wash all that cheapness or regret off. Here one of them gets to go home, cuddle up to their spouse while the other of them gets to go home and start dividing property because they hoped the other meant what they said about dumping their spouse too. 

(it's kind of ironic that while adultering they make promises
to each other that they don't keep
-it's a given here folks-
they're already breaking promises with others
when they're scandalously together!!!)

Funny thing though-the other adulterer didn't follow thru. So does adulterer A panic and start pressuring adulterer B or does adulterer A put more meanness into the "kicked to the Curb, card carrying lifetime member, 'til death do us part, spouse?" Adulterer A can't really put any pressure on adulterer B because adulterer B still has an intact marriage and if adulterer A puts pressure on adulterer B then all that one has to do is call it quits....kind of...we'll see!

But in the meantime....

is there self loathing



They happen!
With or without you!

Where's your husband?
Where's your wife?


They committed adultery!
They probably won't be to any more of these.
Maybe next year I'll have a different life partner.
Who knows?

We all make choices...
We choose to HONOR our commitments.
We choose NOT to.

It's not easy being on either side of the divorce argument...
but clearly...
being on the side of valuing commitments...
is the side I'd want to be on....

Just one of those raw consequences
thought about while committing adultery!


Birds of a Feather

Did you ever think about the "other woman" in news reports?

Didn't you hate her?
Oh especially Camilla...because we all loved Diana!
What about Arnie's maid?
We all thought Arnold was the best and then we find out-so did the maid!
Didn't you hate the maid!?
Didn't you hate Arnie!?
Because we all love Maria!

You see the perfect couple sitting in church.
Life for them seems perfect.
Then you find the truth out about them.
They're getting divorced.
You hear stuff.
Then you hear other stuff.
Then you KNOW STUFF!!!!
Then you GET it!

What about the guy at work that is all together? Happy wife-happy kids.
Then you find out he's betrayed his wife!
Then you hate him!

People that have lustings and commit adultery lose all crediblity with everyone that know the truth after that. They've lied to you for so long and others for so long it's time they were exposed for the fabrication of their so called victimization and miserable life. Funny how they created all that in their mind to validate their sorry choices for ruining the lives of their kids and others.

My nail lady would sit there and do my nails and talk about how her old boyfriend contacted her on facebook. Next thing you know, she's moving out of the house and making weak excuses about her hubby and being tired of him because he never got around to re-doing the master bathroom. I had to quit going to her because it was like-seriously? You haven't seen this boyfriend since high school and now you're putting all your eggs in THAT basket? It's been a year and I saw her the other day in the office. I asked her how her life was with the divorce and all....she said it SUCKED BIG TIME! Her kids hated coming over to visit because she lives in this little one room apartment. Things didn't work out with the boyfriend after all-He needed money and had tried to scam her. WOW! She gave up a card carrying husband for an idiot!

Seems to me-
like they were perfect for each other!