
Bossy! the adulterer kicks out the card carrying other family parent. "Get lost non-person," says the adulterer! But then tries to run that person's life from a distance.

Confusion Abounds-
  • You want them out of your life!
  • You kick them to the curb!
  • You tell everyone they're mental!
  • You want to keep all their stuff!
  • You tell them when they can have the kids!
  • You tell them when they CAN'T have the kids!
  • You file spurious charges against them!
  • You get some high priced attorney to threaten them!
  • You tell them what they can or can't say!
Do they seriously think they can run this person's life forever????
Remember sweetheart-
You kicked them out of YOUR life.
These folks that commit crimes of morality just don't get it!
God ain't gonna bless your life if you ain't doing what's right!

So no matter what they do to the lifetime card-carrying family
member that just got expelled from their life....
eventually-they find out-

THEY'RE not in charge-
THEY just think THEY are!


Who's the Victim?

Initially the adulterer thinks it's them!

So they go about doing all kinds of selfish things. Their whole validation concept becomes me! me! me! They forget about the part in the marriage ceremony where the question is asked "You do this of your own free will and choice?" They answer YES! At that very moment-all goals become family oriented-not ME oriented! So when the adulterer starts thinking THEIR needs aren't being met-then neither are the family's. Maybe-just maybe-the adulterer is contributing to the problem in a major fashion! But who wants to admit that they're part of the problem???

To cover this idea up-they start lashing out at the unadulterating parent.

Making that parent look bad.

Making that parent be the bad guy
         (it's their way of exposing how THEY feel about themselves).
Making that parent look like a BAD parent.
Making the children hate the innocent parent.
Creating situations that make the innocent parent look like
         everything's their fault.
Making that parent appear to be a loser.
Making that parent seem like they're the problem.
Making that parent look bad in front of their children
Making that parent seem like a mental case
         (because the adultering spouse is the one REALLY going
          mental trying to keep track of which lie they told to whom)
Making the children start questioning right from wrong.
Allowing the children to start thinking the fellow luster is
        BETTER than the good parent.
Making right wrong and wrong right.

It's clear...
No voting on the right panel needed....
In answer to the question "Who's the victim?"


Adulterers can't see that though-
they're to busy thinking about


OH NO!!!! Who ya gonna call?

The adulterers lives start to fall apart upon discovery of evidence in an affair. The luster (can't use the word "lover" here...because it's not love-it's lust) was maybe a close family friend. Which means ALL the friends know both adultering parties. So who do they turn to when the chips are down? Not an understanding friend-besides-who's gonna understand?

What those friends are thinking is this-

Stay the heck away from my wife dude!
Stay the heck away from my husband lady!

Life must be so lonely sometimes!

I feel pity for them-sorry takes to much effort. On an interesting note...synonyms for pity are disgrace and shame-yes-I feel those too.

Maybe the adulterer could call their mother?


Amazing How the Adulterers are All the Same!

Any spouse involved in an extra-marital relationship will usually develop changes in their attitude, patterns and lifestyle. The following are some typical signs a husband or wife involved in adultery might show; however, understand that these signs can apply to anyone. The true sign is normally a drastic change of some form. Your suspicions would certainly be justified if you discover your spouse's actions correspond to four or more of the following signs.
  • A sudden loss of interest in normal family activities. Usually the guilt associated with an affair causes a withdrawal from the family.
  • A loss of interest in the family's personal friends, again caused by guilt.
  • A change in religious habits and ideas. It becomes difficult for a spouse involved in an extra-marital relationship to continue normal church activities due to guilt. Usually spouses who are regular church members and become involved in an affair will begin pulling away from the church by using excuses such as finding fault with the pastor.
  • A sudden weight loss with special attention being paid to physical appearance such as hair color and grooming. Drastic changes usually indicate a spouse's attempt to impress someone.
  • A new interest in clothes or a style change. Again, this falls into the category of attempting to impress. Occasionally when a spouse changes their clothing style, weight and appearance, they may not be involved with any particular person, but may be looking for an involvement.
  • The beginning of frequent late hours at the office. This can also be a sign of family problems that result in a spouse's desire to stay away from the home. Correcting marital problems at this point can prevent an affair.
  • Going directly to the shower after arriving home late from work. A spouse who has had a sexual encounter just prior to arriving at home, usually feels not only a sense of guilt, but a need to "Destroy any Evidence" by cleaning up.
  • The presence of makeup, perfume, or cologne on clothing. This seems to occur more often than not during sporadic meetings of a spouse and someone. The presence of these on clothing is indicative of unplanned and intense encounters.
  • The sudden need to leave home early to go to work. Again, this can be a result of family problems and the desire to spend as little time at home as possible.
  • Hang-up telephone calls. Not the infrequent mistakes everyone suffers, but calls with some regularity. Frequent hang up calls would simply seem to indicate the wrong party answered the telephone.
  • A sudden urge to answer all telephone calls or nervousness and quiet conversation during the calls. This is caused by guilt and the worry of possible discovery of the affair.
  • Sudden and frequent short trips to the store at night. This is indicative of the possible use of a pay telephone or a short visit to someone.
  • A sudden pleasant, nice, helpful attitude, which can occur during the initial stages of the affair and takes place in order to compensate for the guilt involved. Any spouse involved in an affair is normally concerned over the possibility of detection. For some reason they seem to rationalize that if they are "perfect" at home their spouse could not possibly believe they were involved with anyone else. A simple example would be an immediate increase in the frequency of normal sexual relations. If a man, who normally has sex with his wife an average of three times a week, becomes involved in an affair it is not abnormal for him to increase that amount from three to five times a week. In his mind he believes the increase at home prevents his wife from even considering he is involved with someone else. For a short period of time everything at home is beautiful for the wife; however, the husband's lifestyle will begin to cause problems. This same husband who had a normal sexual frequency of three times a week has now increased that amount to five at home. He also may be averaging five times a week with his girlfriend. We have now gone from an average of three to a potential ten times per week. That lifestyle will not last long. Relief has got to come from somewhere. Keep in mind that at that point the five per week with the girlfriend is by choice. The five per week at home is obligation. The "Have To" at home is the relationship that will begin to suffer. A steady decrease will begin and usually it will come with his excuse that he is tired, has a headache or is sick. It may be as simple as watching television until he is sure his wife is asleep before going to bed, but whatever the reason, the frequency will decrease. As it decreases, a funny thing begins to happen. The husband's guilt begins to affect him. He knows what he is doing is not right. That guilt will cause the beginning of frequent arguments in the home. The arguments serve a twofold purpose; first, it lessens the husband's obligation of having sex with his wife and, second, it gives the husband the ability to blame the wife for his affair. As humans, we are programmed that when we do something wrong it can't be our fault. Men and women both blame each other for their "Having" to become involved in an affair. "If she treated me better, I wouldn't have to do this." Regardless of how that sounds, it is true.
  • The introduction of new techniques in a couple's sexual relations. Spouses involved in an extra-marital relationship often become exposed to new sexual techniques and, on occasion, will introduce these techniques into their home life.
  • A sudden inability to please the spouse. One spouse cannot do anything right in the eyes of the other. Keep in mind this serves the purpose of allowing the guilty spouse to blame the other for their relationship.
  • A need to "get away for a few days." This can either occur because of guilt or because the guilty spouse wants to spend time with the person they are involved with.
  • Keeping extra clothing in the car. On occasions, an involved spouse will need clean clothing to change into prior to arriving at home to avoid detection of makeup, perfume or cologne. On other occasions, they may desire to change from work attire into something more suitable prior to meeting someone.
  • Sudden and unexplained trips out of town. This usually occurs when a spouse involved in an affair is limited to only short and infrequent encounters with the person they are involved with. Women especially will not stand for continued short visits for any length of time. They demand quality time to compensate for short visits that tend to make them feel used and cheap.
  • Unexplained disappearance of money or use of credit cards. Men involved in a relationship tend to hide money to be used for entertaining their girlfriend. Some women will hide money in preparation for what they believe will be an upcoming divorce.
  • Unexplained pressure building with a total inability to cope, usually caused by guilt. People respond differently to guilt, but normally, a person involved in an affair will display drastic changes in their character.
  • The explanation "I'm confused and need some time to myself." This can simply mean, "I'm through with this marriage, but I don't know how to get out of it in the most beneficial manner."
  • A sudden discussion of divorce or separation. This can indicate that a spouse involved in an affair has developed a serious emotional attachment for the person they are involved with.
  • An actual separation, with the explanation "I love you, but I'm confused and need to find myself." A husband may mean, "I have someone else, our marriage is over" or "I want a divorce, but I don't want the divorce to cost me, so I'll humor you and be friends until the divorce is final." A wife may mean exactly the same, but she is mainly concerned with what she will get out of the marriage financially.

The first paragraph said if the spouse met four or more of the bout at least 16?

Found this in a Google search under "Vindictive Spouses"



Okay so the adulterers want you to leave them alone and give them some space and forgive them. Um, isn't this why they are in their current circumstance???

Their very own spouse bugged them!
Their very own spouse got on their nerves!
Their very own spouse was lousy at spelling!
Their very own spouse had mannerisms like the mother-in-law
           that they couldn't stand or the father-in-law and so they
           let it bug them.


When you marry someone-
you forgive them for those little things
because you love them.

When you allow someone else to excite you-
let's be honest here-
YOU ARE AN ADULTERER-   (Crazy how it's so fleeting though)

you forget...

ALL the rules pertain to YOU TOO!



(also called philandery) is a form of extramarital sex. It is sexual infidelity to one's spouse. It originally referred only to sex between a woman who was married and a person other than her spouse. Even in cases of separation from one's spouse, an extramarital affair is still considered adultery.

Scandal (sex scandal):
A sex scandal is a scandal involving allegations or information about possibly-
immoral sexual activities being made public. Sex scandals are often associated with movie stars, politicians, famous athletes or others in the public eye, and become scandals largely because of the prominence of the person involved, perceptions of hypocrisy on their part, or the non-normative nature of their sexuality. A scandal may be based on reality, the product of false allegations, or a mixture of both.

Truth is always an absolute defense against a defamation suit in the United States.

A lie (also called prevarication, falsehood) is a type of deception in the form of an untruthful statement, especially with the intention to deceive others.To lie is to state something with disregard to the truth with the intention that people will accept the statement as truth.
A liar is a person who is lying, who has previously lied,
or who tends by nature to lie repeatedly - even when not necessary

Lust is an emotional force that is directly associated with the
thinking or fantasizing about one's desire, usually in a sexual way.
1. intense sexual desire or appetite.
2. uncontrolled or illicit sexual desire or appetite; lecherousness

Just in case you hadn't looked these up lately-Thank you wikipedia for your clarity!

(I'm open to suggestions for more definitions...I'm sure wikipedia has them)



Lucky ME!!!!

The sex partner...

Now here's a person everyone aspires to be...
            this person gets wined and dined by their lust interest.
This person's lust interest always pays!
This person's lust interest always provides the location!
This person's lust interest throws away their life while this
            person just makes promises!
This person's lust interest lies to the children about the children's
           other parent and the sex partner condones it!
This person's lust interest will be the step-parent of each other's
  to be the kids!
This person's lust interest has nothing to lose-they get sex
           from a luster and a spouse!
This person's lust interest can't get mad at them because really-the
           luster can call it quits...

          They're NOT the one that's kicked out their spouse!
          They're NOT the one that has turned their life upside down for
                   the other luster!
          They're NOT the one that has gotten restraining orders against
                  their spouse so that they can lust each other all over their
                  kitchen island without the other spouse coming home!
The sex partner really has the best of both worlds....while their fellow adulterer
                  is left with empty promises of nothing! Why change it up?


Sucks to to be either one of them....
because in the end...
they aren't so lucky....



What Does the Adulterer Think About When They go to Bed at Night?

So they are laying there...
in their bed...
all alone...
(well, because they hope their scandalous partner will eventually file for divorce-they haven't yet...
but they keep saying they will (interesting word).

Does the adulterer get misti-eyed?

Does the adulterer think about the
innocent faces of their sleeping children?

Does the adulterer think about being
just like their own parent?

Does the adulterer think about getting
more stuff from the kicked out spouse?

Does the adulterer think about enough is NEVER enough?

Does the adulterer think about how much money the sex partner makes and maybe-just maybe-it might be theirs one day?

Does the adulterer think about love or lust?

Does the adulterer think about
getting pregnant from the rendezvous?

Does the adulterer think about the sex partner
being at home with their spouse spooning with their
spouse and getting jealous of the spouse?

Does the adulterer think about finances?

Does the adulterer think all their
problems are the fault of someone else?

Does the adulterer really think that
they-themselves are to blame?

Does the adulterer think they can
control the fallout from their uncontrolled
appetite for sex with another persons spouse?

Just WHAT is the adulterer thinking
to help them fall asleep at night???



Seriously!!! Once you do something stupid and
others find out...YOU are the butt of jokes!
Positively sure you don't have to get permissionfrom the adulterers to make jokes about them!

“Arnold Schwarzenegger admitted that he fathered a child with a member of his household staff. The woman’s husband became suspicious when he realized she was the first maid to make $1 million a year.” -Jay Leno


Bill Clinton and Al Gore go into a local diner for lunch.
As they read the menu the waitress comes over and asks Clinton, "Are you ready to order?"
Clinton replies, "Yes, I'd like a quickie."
"A quickie?!?" The waitress replies. "Sir, given the current situation of your personal life I don't think that is a good idea. I'll come back when you are ready to order from the menu." She walks away.
Gore leans over to Clinton and says, "Bill, it's pronounced 'Quiche.'"


Prince Charles decided to take up jogging.

Every day, he'd jog past a hooker standing on the same street corner. He learned to brace himself as he approached her for what was almost certain to follow.

'One hundred and fifty pounds!' she'd shout from the curb.

'No! Five pounds!' He would fire back, just to shut her up.

This ritual between him and the hooker became a daily occurrence. He'd run by and she'd yell, 'One hundred and Fifty pounds! ' He'd yell back, 'Five pounds!'

One day, Camilla decided that she wanted to accompany her 'husband' on his jog.

As the jogging couple neared the working woman's street corner, Prince Charles realised she'd bark her £150 offer and Camilla would wonder what he'd really been doing on all his past outings. He figured he'd better have a good explanation for his Wife.

As they jogged into the turn that would take them past the corner, he became even more apprehensive than usual. Sure enough, there was the hooker. He tried to avoid the prostitute's eyes as she watched the pair jogged past.

Then, from her corner, the hooker yelled:   'See what you get for five pounds, you tight bastard?!'

Stephen Colbert: "Tiger always gives 110 percent. That is why he gave 100 percent to his wife and still had 10 percent left over for his alleged mistress."

"Anthony Weiner asked Bill Clinton for advice, and actually followed it for awhile.
Of course eventually he was forced to tell the truth." –Jay Leno
The Friendly Plumber
A plumber was called to woman's apartment in Treblig Township 
to repair a leaking pipe. When he arrived he was pleased to discover
that the woman was quite a luscious, well-stacked dish.

During the course of the afternoon, the two became extremely friendly. About 6:30 p.m. the phone rang, disturbing the bedroom shenanigans.

"That was my husband," she said, putting down the phone. "He's on his way home, but is going back to the office around 8 p.m.. Come back then, dear, and we can take up where we left off."

The union plumber looked at the woman in disbelief. "What? On my own time?"     
"John Edwards' former aide says in an upcoming interview that Edwards asked him to steal a diaper from the baby to do a DNA test. Apparently the test showed that both the diaper and John Edwards are full of crap." -Jay Leno
A man, shocked by how his buddy is dressed, asks him, "How long have you been wearing that bra?" The friend replies, "Ever since my wife found it in the glove compartment."
Top 10 Eliot Spitzer Excuses
10. Oh come on, like you were never involved in a prostitution ring
9. Hookers is fun
8. Just trying to help the economy
7. Have you ever been to Albany?
6. It's part of my new MTV prank show "Spitz'd"
5. Haven't been myself since Roy Schieder died
4. Uh, tainted beef?
3. Whether it's a hooker or your wife, you're always paying for it -- you married fellas know what I'm talking about
2. Wanted to be known as the Charlie Sheen of politics
1. I thought Bill Clinton legalized this years ago

Funny Stuff....unless of course-
You can relate!


Is the Sex More Important Than the Consequences? you want to get banged by someone other
than your own spouse.
And you what about all the consequences?

Do you think of those before the bang job?

What about the ones we promised to love honor and cherish?
What about being accountable?
What about the expense of the cover-up?
What about the counseling after we break-up
to make it look like we're remorseful?
Will I go from counselor to counselor until I can find one that validates my behavior?
If we bang each other and we're married to others; can we trust each other if we get divorced then get married to each other?
What about the kids?
What are their ages?
Are they going thru puberty?
What kind of questions will this bring up?
Well Mom! Well Dad! If you can bang anyone....why can't I?
You tell me to be responsible. Are you?
What about our family name?
What is important anymore?
You make me go to church...but everything YOU do doesn't align with what I'm taught!
Who do I believe....the preacher or the parents actions?
Banging parent...what if you get AIDS?
(That's what you tell the pubescent teen they'll get if they have sex!)
What happens when people find out?
Can you control the gossip?
Will friends maintain their friendship with you?
Will you BLAME others for YOUR misdeeds?
Or will you take responsibility?
Is this a relationship you'll proudly display pictures of?
(Oh remember this... was the time we banged on the kitchen island)

So many questions!
(more than are listed here!!!)


I'll stop asking-
when you start answering!!!!!


Forbidden sex becomes a DRUG!

Below is from a page out of EAT PRAY LOVE.
The fact is, I had become addicted to David (in my defense, he had fostered this, being something of a “man-fatale”), and now that his attention was wavering, I was suffering the easily foreseeable consequences. Addiction is the hallmark of every infatuation-based love story. It all begins when the object of your adoration bestows upon you a heady, hallucinogenic dose of something you never even dare admit that you wanted—an emotional speedball, perhaps, of thunderous love and roiling excitement. Soon you start craving that intense attention, with the hungry obsession of any junkie. When the drug is withheld, you promptly turn sick, crazy, depleted (not to mention resentful of the dealer who encouraged this addiction in the first place but who now refuses to pony up the good stuff anymore—despite the fact that you know he has it hidden somewhere, goddamn it, because he used to give it to you for free). Next stage finds you skinny and shaking in a corner, certain only that you would sell your soul or rob your neighbors just to have that thing even one more time.
Sound familiar???
Personally-makes me SICK!

Do Affairs Really Just Happen??? NO!!!!

Parties that participate in affairs often are heard to say...

"It just happened!"

NO! It didn't just happen-you allowed yourself and your fellow adulterer to bypass barriers that are put up when married.

Did you talk to each other about things you normally talk to your spouse about?
Did you BLAME your spouse for your unhappiness to your fellow adulterer?
Did you BLAME your spouse for everything wrong in your life?
Did you think...Why didn't we meet before we married our current spouse?
Did you generalize ALL your unhappiness and spread it out over the whole time you were married?
Did you even hate your 10 year anniversary trip to Hawaii and BLAME that on your spouse?
Did you sneak around? (p.s....Sneaking tells you you're doing something wrong)
Did you really think your partner in adultery would leave his spouse for YOU?
Did you rationalize your behavior by BLAMING your spouse for not meeting your needs?

ADULTERY doesn't just innocently happen!!!!!!

You don't rip a phone book in half all at once...but you can page by page....same with adultery-
You take steps...consciencelessly...willingly...excitedly...continuously...
even when you say you're do it again!

Can an ADULTERER ever be trusted again....NO!



Is "Sorry" enough???

When the individuals in an adulterous relationship get caught....then feel pressure to saying "I'm sorry" enough?
Let's be specific here....sorry for what?

*For being caught?
*For screwing your spouse?
*For contributing to lies about you?
*For carrying on for months?
*For having to pay for counseling with your own spouse?
*For still having lustful thoughts about your spouse?
*For breaking one of God's commandments?
*For being married to one while loving another?
*For being a hypocrite?

Help me out here...

WHAT exactly are you sorry for????????????????

But.....when I ask you "What are you sorry for?"
Why do you call ME an "asshole"?

You're the one
that committed adultery!