
Bossy! the adulterer kicks out the card carrying other family parent. "Get lost non-person," says the adulterer! But then tries to run that person's life from a distance.

Confusion Abounds-
  • You want them out of your life!
  • You kick them to the curb!
  • You tell everyone they're mental!
  • You want to keep all their stuff!
  • You tell them when they can have the kids!
  • You tell them when they CAN'T have the kids!
  • You file spurious charges against them!
  • You get some high priced attorney to threaten them!
  • You tell them what they can or can't say!
Do they seriously think they can run this person's life forever????
Remember sweetheart-
You kicked them out of YOUR life.
These folks that commit crimes of morality just don't get it!
God ain't gonna bless your life if you ain't doing what's right!

So no matter what they do to the lifetime card-carrying family
member that just got expelled from their life....
eventually-they find out-

THEY'RE not in charge-
THEY just think THEY are!

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