
Is the Sex More Important Than the Consequences?

Okay...so you want to get banged by someone other
than your own spouse.
And you do...so what about all the consequences?

Do you think of those before the bang job?

What about the ones we promised to love honor and cherish?
What about being accountable?
What about the expense of the cover-up?
What about the counseling after we break-up
to make it look like we're remorseful?
Will I go from counselor to counselor until I can find one that validates my behavior?
If we bang each other and we're married to others; can we trust each other if we get divorced then get married to each other?
What about the kids?
What are their ages?
Are they going thru puberty?
What kind of questions will this bring up?
Well Mom! Well Dad! If you can bang anyone....why can't I?
You tell me to be responsible. Are you?
What about our family name?
What is important anymore?
You make me go to church...but everything YOU do doesn't align with what I'm taught!
Who do I believe....the preacher or the parents actions?
Banging parent...what if you get AIDS?
(That's what you tell the pubescent teen they'll get if they have sex!)
What happens when people find out?
Can you control the gossip?
Will friends maintain their friendship with you?
Will you BLAME others for YOUR misdeeds?
Or will you take responsibility?
Is this a relationship you'll proudly display pictures of?
(Oh remember this...
...here was the time we banged on the kitchen island)

So many questions!
(more than are listed here!!!)


I'll stop asking-
when you start answering!!!!!

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