
Do Affairs Really Just Happen??? NO!!!!

Parties that participate in affairs often are heard to say...

"It just happened!"

NO! It didn't just happen-you allowed yourself and your fellow adulterer to bypass barriers that are put up when married.

Did you talk to each other about things you normally talk to your spouse about?
Did you BLAME your spouse for your unhappiness to your fellow adulterer?
Did you BLAME your spouse for everything wrong in your life?
Did you think...Why didn't we meet before we married our current spouse?
Did you generalize ALL your unhappiness and spread it out over the whole time you were married?
Did you even hate your 10 year anniversary trip to Hawaii and BLAME that on your spouse?
Did you sneak around? (p.s....Sneaking tells you you're doing something wrong)
Did you really think your partner in adultery would leave his spouse for YOU?
Did you rationalize your behavior by BLAMING your spouse for not meeting your needs?

ADULTERY doesn't just innocently happen!!!!!!

You don't rip a phone book in half all at once...but you can page by page....same with adultery-
You take steps...consciencelessly...willingly...excitedly...continuously...
even when you say you're do it again!

Can an ADULTERER ever be trusted again....NO!



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