
Who's the Victim?

Initially the adulterer thinks it's them!

So they go about doing all kinds of selfish things. Their whole validation concept becomes me! me! me! They forget about the part in the marriage ceremony where the question is asked "You do this of your own free will and choice?" They answer YES! At that very moment-all goals become family oriented-not ME oriented! So when the adulterer starts thinking THEIR needs aren't being met-then neither are the family's. Maybe-just maybe-the adulterer is contributing to the problem in a major fashion! But who wants to admit that they're part of the problem???

To cover this idea up-they start lashing out at the unadulterating parent.

Making that parent look bad.

Making that parent be the bad guy
         (it's their way of exposing how THEY feel about themselves).
Making that parent look like a BAD parent.
Making the children hate the innocent parent.
Creating situations that make the innocent parent look like
         everything's their fault.
Making that parent appear to be a loser.
Making that parent seem like they're the problem.
Making that parent look bad in front of their children
Making that parent seem like a mental case
         (because the adultering spouse is the one REALLY going
          mental trying to keep track of which lie they told to whom)
Making the children start questioning right from wrong.
Allowing the children to start thinking the fellow luster is
        BETTER than the good parent.
Making right wrong and wrong right.

It's clear...
No voting on the right panel needed....
In answer to the question "Who's the victim?"


Adulterers can't see that though-
they're to busy thinking about

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